Donation for Refugees & Fragile States


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About the campaign

Despite many years of aid, Afghanistan’s government has struggled to provide clean water, electricity, safe roads and education services for its people. As a result, 18.4 million Afghans need humanitarian support.

Afghanistan is also embroiled in one of the most dangerous conflicts for civilians in the world: 2021 is on track to be the deadliest in over a decade—unless world leaders take action. International pressure is urgently needed to secure an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and enable aid workers to safely reach all those in need.

Civilian casualties in Afghanistan reached record levels in the first half of 2021. Women and children are increasingly bearing the brunt of the conflict. Many are frequently subjected to violence, abuse and forced labor. And most lack access to health care, education and legal services.

Afghan refugees are citizens of Afghanistan who were compelled to abandon their country as a result of major wars, persecution, torture and genocide.

Afghanistan became one of the largest refugee-producing countries in the world.[1] Over 6 million Afghan refugees were residing in both Iran and Pakistan in the year 2000.[2] Currently, they are the third largest group after Venezuelan refugees and Syrian refugees

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